Conferences and Events

WEDA holds professional regional economic development conferences each year for educational and networking purposes. Our winter conference is always held in Cheyenne in conjunction with the Wyoming legislative session, which is also our annual WEDA membership meeting. The other conference location and date will vary each year around the state.

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You can follow WEDA events in your personal calendar program by subscribing to the WEDA calendar feed. You can use the link below to set up a free subscription in many popular calendar programs, including Calendar (Mac), MS Outlook, and Google Calendar.

Subscribe to the WEDA Calendar!

Please note that the frequency of updates displayed on your calendar will be controlled by your calendar program, and it may take hours or even several days to update from our events feed. To see the very latest additions and updates on WEDA events please check the calendar on our website.

February 2025

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday