Brandon Marshall

Brandon Marshall's Member Photo

Board Member

Brandon has served the Economic Development Community in Wyoming for over two decades and bring a strong background and knowledge in the needs of the communities around the state.  Brandon has worked to develop connections across the state and region that can be very helpful in helping WEDA meet its goals and better serve its members. I get to lead a really smart team of experts in business and community services.  Our team provides expertise and consulting to entrepreneurs, agribusiness people, companies seeking to relocate or expand to Wyoming, broadband providers and communities seeking better connection to the world via broadband infrastructure, Main Street communities, and communities in general that are seeking to make where they live even more attractive than they are today and need a plan to do it.  Services also houses the Asia Pacific Trade Office, so I get to work with the rest of the WBC team to connect Wyoming companies to the resources the trade office can offer for export assistance. I’ve been here since 2003. I started in Business Recruitment, did a little Entrepreneurship work, a little BRE, then went back to my first “love” of recruiting, until I became the Services Director in 2019.